
Tree View Menu - Track Layout Section

The Track Layout section contains elements related to the physical layout of the track.

Misc Settings

Double-clicking on this item in the menu opens up the Misc Settings window.

Track Sections

When expanded, this displays a list of all track sections.

Track section treeview screenshot

Double-clicking on an item in the list opens it for editing with the track section details window.

You can right-click on an item to open a context menu:

You can right-click on an item to open a context menu containing the following options:

Track sections can also be edited using the track section list window.

Pit Lane Sections

When expanded, this section displays a list of all pit lane sections.

Pit lane section treeview screenshot

Double-clicking on an item in the list opens it for editing with the pit lane section details window. A pit lane section is technically identical to a track section and therefore uses the same window for editing.

You can right-click on an item to open a context menu:

You can right-click on an item to open a context menu containing the following options:

Pit lane sections can also be edited using the pit lane section list window.