
Edit Player Horsepower Value with PowerShell

In this tutorial we will edit the player horsepower value, so that you as the player have twice as much horsepower at your disposal.

Before we start editing your F1GP files, make sure that you have a backup of everything, or at least the GP.EXE file, because you never know what might happen.

Step 1: Load the DLL

Open Notepad or any other PowerShell editor that you wish to use. Begin by adding the following:

Add-Type -Path "C:\Scripts\ArgData\ArgData.dll"

This will load the DLL in the specified path to make its API available in PowerShell.

Step 2: Get a reference to your EXE file

First off, we need a reference to the GP.EXE that we want to edit.

$exe = [ArgData.GpExeFile]::At(@"C:\Games\GPRIX\GP.EXE");

Step 3: Create a writer object that allows updating the game files

Once we have a reference to the EXE file that we wish to edit, we can pass it along as a parameter for all kinds of reader and writer objects in the API.

In this case, we want to create a PlayerHorsepowerWriter.

$writer = [ArgData.PlayerHorsepowerWriter]::For($exe)

Step 4: Update the horsepower value in the EXE file

We can now use the writer object to update the value.


The complete code should now look something like this.

Add-Type -Path "C:\Scripts\ArgData\ArgData.dll"

$exe = [ArgData.GpExeFile]::At(@"C:\Games\GPRIX\GP.EXE");

$writer = [ArgData.PlayerHorsepowerWriter]::For($exe)


Save the script as player-horsepower.ps1.

Step 5: Run the script

By opening a PowerShell Console window and executing C:\Scripts\ArgData\player-horsepower.ps1 you will apply the changes.

Your EXE file has now been updated.

Step 6: Try it out!

Start the game, enter a race, and leave the other drivers in the dust!